iCo-op™ Anti-Money Laundering System ("iCo-op™ AMLS") provides banking software solution to comply with the strict regulations of governments to combat money laundering activities. It is an automatic monitoring and detection solution that utilizes the "Know Your Customer" ("KYC") principles to detect suspicious money laundering patterns that deviates from legitimate financial transactions.
Basel II Risk Manager (Download Basel II RM PDF Brochure)
iCo-op™ Basel II Risk Manager is a software solution that provides banks and financial institutions with a software suite of IT tools to comply with the regulatory requirements of the Basel II Accord. It helps banks and financial institutions to implement the Basel II risk management framework (i.e. risk policies; organisation structure; methodology to measure and control risks; and the data and technological infrastructure), and to enforce their risk management process and comply with regulatory reporting and disclosure requirements.
CDO Risk Management (Download CDO RM PDF Brochure)
iCo-op™ CDO Risk Management covers Credit Risk, Operational Risk, Asset Price Risk (CDO Valuation) and Liquidity Risk. CDO RM is a software solution that provides sophisticated investors an independent and state of the art ability to evaluate both the market value and loss distribution of credit portfolios and tranches of portfolios, especially those of synthetic collateralized debt obligations.It uses multiple model approaches, such as the Merton Style Simulation and Historical Default Probability Simulation. This solution helps investors to capture real-world scenarios in the business cycle by using real time information, for example the macro-economic variables and the historical movementsin default probabilities for every company. Our CDO Risk Management also has a number of other features that allow for maximum accuracy in the valuation of synthetic CDOs and the related simulation of losses.